Bellevue (425) 484-9023
Renton (425) 687-2707


Online Payment


  • Medical services are provided and billed by our Medical Clinic. The following are the health plans we currently accept.
  • If your plan is not listed, we will be unable to file a claim on your behalf. However, we can provide you with a form that you can submit to your insurance company to instruct them to send reimbursements directly to you.
  • Please be aware that with any health plans, there may be deductibles and copayments for which you could be responsible.


What billing or insurance information will I receive?

​You will receive a copy of your bill. After your insurance has paid, we'll provide you with a monthly statement of your account.

How long will it take to get things settled with the insurance company?

Generally, it takes from 45 to 60 days to obtain payment from an insurance carrier.​

​Why am I getting bills from physicians?

​Each physician who provides professional services will send you a separate bill from his or her office. These physicians will include:

  • your own physician
  • other physicians who conducted tests and procedures
  • consulting physicians chosen by your primary physician to read and interpret test results.

These physicians may include specialists in anesthesiology, cardiology, emergency medicine, nuclear medicine, pathology, radiology, or urodynamics. You will be responsible for paying these bills as well.

​I received a notice that my insurance company has paid on my bill -- but I can't understand how they calculated their payment amount. Do you know?

​If we have received any such information from your insurance company, we'll be glad to share it with you. However, for answers to any questions about insurance payments, deductibles, or co-payments, you generally need to check with your insurance company.


Online payment coming soon.

For payments with insurance

Most insurance plans are accepted at our office. We accept auto accident, workers compensation, personal injury and most health insurance plans.

Since there are so many plans and coverage varies widely, please contact us to find out if your plan covers your visits in our office. Our staff will verify and explain your benefit before treatment, at no charge.

For payments without insurance

For patients who have little or no chiropractic insurance coverage, flexible payment programs are also available in our clinic. If you have no insurance or do not have chiropractic benefit there is still a way for you to receive the care you need.

Many patients pay directly for care, as they discover chiropractic to be extremely cost-effective and affordable.


Anthem BlueCross
BlueCross BlueShield
Cigna PPO
First Choice Health PPO
Healthcare Management Administrators (HMA)
Lifewise Health Plan
Moda Health (First Choice Health PPO)
PMA Costwise Indemnity Plan
Premera BlueCross
Regence BlueShield
United Healthcare
Kaiser PPO
Segwick (Worker's Compensation)
Personal Injury Protection


What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that existed for more than 120 years which focused on human body’s neuromusculoskeletal system which includes bones, nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Chiropractor provides spinal manipulation therapy to free joints to release the pressure off the nerves. Chiropractic is focused on the body’ s ability to self - healing and includes other treatments like nutritional and exercise recommendations. By improving the neuromusculoskeletal system’ s ability to perform, chiropractors believe the benefits of spinal adjustment and realigning joints improves the functioning of other systems throughout the body to achieve optimal state of the health.

How does chiropractors treat patients?

Doctors of Chiropractic, called ‘chiropractors’ are spine, muscle, joint and nervous system experts. Every chiropractor receives at least six to seven years of post-secondary academic and clinical education. They are trained in how to evaluate, diagnose, recommend and deliver a treatment plan that manages issues within these systems, according to your preferences. A chiropractor’s education also includes courses in radiology, pain management, prescribed therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation, among others.

Does my insurance cover chiropractic care?

Hesed Kindness Spine participates in most insurance programs. We also accept auto accident and workers compensation cases. For patients who have little or no chiropractic insurance coverage, flexible payment programs can be arranged. To learn more about our payment options for chiropractic and wellness care, feel free to contact our office more detail.

Do you provide chiropractic care to auto accident patient(Whiplash Injury) in your clinic?

Yes, Chiropractors use a variety of therapeutic tools and techniques to realign individual vertebrae and restore joint flexibility after a car accident. Most benefit of spinal adjustment and other therapeutic procedures offered by chiropractor to decrease inflammation and pain, restored range of motion and reduced scar tissue.

Do I need to see a chiropractor for my work related injuries?

Yes, chiropractic care benefits an injured worker to reduces recovery time, decrease the need for hospital visits and is more cost efficient than traditional medical care by providing focused therapy on worker’s injured areas of the body.

What insurances are accepted?

Hesed Kindness Spine participates in most insurance programs. We also accept auto accident and workers compensation cases. Our doctors are preferred providers for most insurance companies, including the following providers: Aetna PPO, Ambetter, Anthem BlueCross, BlueCross / BlueShield, Cigna, First Choice, Healthcare Management Administrators(HMA), Kaiser Permanente PPO, KPS Healthplans, Lifewise, Moda Health(First Choice Health PPO), Premera Blue Cross, Regence Blue Shield, Segwick(Private Worker’ s Comensation), Uniform Medical Plan. Since this is a list of the most common insurances we accept in our clinic, please contact us if you do not see your insurance on this list for a complimentary review of your benefits.